[2023.09.19] New ISB Company movie released!

Company Movie Release!

Instinct Brothers leads the future healthy society!

As we enter the age of 100 years of life, maintaining our health and quality of life is a major theme, and the Instinct Brothers Group is responding to this challenge by leveraging its strong synergy with six companies to develop medical treatments and products that will enable people to live healthy and prosperous lives up to 120 years old. We are now working to meet this challenge by leveraging the powerful synergies among our six companies.

Through our new company movie, we are pleased to announce our vision and new initiatives as a regenerative medicine biotechnical company. Furthermore, we will strengthen our commitment to continue creating new value by leveraging our cultivated networks and collaborations with specialized companies.

Instinct Brothers will continue to take a leadership role in achieving the health and well-being of the next generation. We look forward to further business development and initiatives in the future.

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